Monday, November 3, 2008

car accident

So I know I haven't posted forever, I have no excuse. Sorry. Anyway, last Wednesday I was driving home from picking up Madi and her friends from school when a we were hit out of the blue by a blazer. the guy had hit another car and was fleeing from that accident when he flew through the stop sign hit us once, we spun around and he hit us again.
It was not his car, he had no drivers license, gave a bad phone number. My guess is he is back in Mexico. The whole insurance thing is a mess..the owner of the blazer has insurance but they are not sure if they will cover any of it. they are investigating..

We are very lucky we only have minor injuries..the 2 kids in the back seat were not hurt at all. madi has a huge bruise on her knee, a couple small cuts and a sprained thumb. I have a hemotoma? (blood clot) on my wrist - i am typing with one hand - and a stiff neck.

I am going to try to add pictures of my poor car, dont know if it will work. I am having some difficutly with the camera, it is madi's (mine died a couple weeks ago).

If i cant figure it out I will have my children (sad but true) do it for me soon.